Weekly Local Market Brief & Offer List - 13May2024

Admin - Tin Thanh Dat / 12/05/2024 / 0
Weekly Local Market Brief & Offer List - 13May2024

Summary: The coffee physical market in Vietnam saw a notable shift this week as panic selling came to an end. The suppliers, exporters are more comfortable keeping their coffee. This marks a significant development in market sentiment and signals a potential stabilization after periods of heightened uncertainty.

As of the end of April 24, per our calculation, the quantity of coffee remaining in farmers' hands dwindled to a significant low, accounting for less than 15% of the total production, with selling activity remaining minimal and very thin. Looking ahead, it is anticipated that selling will continue to be thin until the arrival of the new crop.

Price and trading activities: The differential price has remained stable at N+700 for G2 5% given the low demand from buyers, especially the Multinationals. There are few demands at these market differentials. There are still some trading activities among the local shippers and local suppliers, collectors.

Weather Conditions: Recent weather patterns have seen improved rainfall in coffee-producing regions, although hot weather still persists. Projections indicate further rain in the coming 1-2 weeks, which is favorable for coffee tree health and next crop production. Forecasts indicate an increase in rainfall over the coming weeks, which is expected to benefit coffee production during the next crop production.


Please contact us to download full report and our offer list.


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